Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Black and white

Geraldine Ferraro has resigned because of the disgrace of saying that Obama would not be where he is today in the primary if he was not black.

But, surely Obama is as white as he is black.

Obama is 50-50.

I am finding it hard to comprehend why he has forsaken white legacy - rejected that white blood line to brand himself "African American". Is this not courting the black vote?

Obama is African and American.

How would his poor mother feel, were she alive, to know that her role in his being has been discarded?


Anonymous said...

Hey its it's the artist formerly known as huey.
The venerable mrs Geraldine Ferraro, like the Clinton's need's no character reference uptil now to prove she does not have a racist bone in her body,she has time and time again during her long life as a public servant stood up for equal rights for minorities of all color and creed, yet just once she utters a honest statement during this side show that passes however poorly for a presidential race and she is drawn and quartered, tarred and feathered and run out of Hilary town on a hand cart!!!!.
Did anyone bother to ask her meaning?, because a blind man can see it had nothing to do with racism and more to do with choice, and the fact that America has cried out for a candidate of color for decades it was just previously smothered by southern good o'l boy rhetoric well enough that it was labelled revolution.
If Obama was just another wasp from Connetticut with only a couple of years in the house he would probably still be someone elses lapdog or clerk, at least until the gray started to show on his temple.
But for the fact that he is black and was lucky enough to attract the mentorship of one or two key people in popular life, he would have served some backwater constituancy loyally and retired with the grand kids and his name would never have passed our lips let alone our ballot sheet. So perhaps next time someone as brilliant as the long suffering mrs Ferraro opens her mouth, instead of looking for the double entendre and asking your self how can i bring this woman down, you might ask with her obvious brilliance ,should i hear more and perhaps , just perhaps ask intelligent questions and come to a informed opinion before running off to share your petulant utterances with a public who is so gullible with the media they check to see if elvis is on the counter everytime they buy mcdonalds. cheers from the apple

Anonymous said...


Not sure I follow this. You want him to talk more about being White?

That would be like Dubya promoting his Yale MBA.

That dog don't hunt.

BTW. I'm sure his mother would be extremely proud of him. I mean look where he is today and he had to overcome all the the hurdles associated with being white in America ; )

happy trails from NH
