Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Good onto Hills!

Hillary had more faith in Hillary than the rest of us. Fie upon us.
Look at these uplifting wins in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island today. Let's hope Pennsylvania is on its way.
This will make it pretty even as it goes off to the convention. A cliffhanger to the end.

I am so happy about Hillary's wins today.

Annoyingly, I have to watch coverage of it on Fox news. The Fox election coverage has been nauseating me for some time. Well, ever since I have had to watch it.
It is a disservice that Rupert Murdoch does to the USA, allowing Australia only to see 24-hour US news from Fox. CNN is shown on cable but it is a special Pacific version which is tediously dominated by business and finance. Sky is dominated by sport.
So, if one is interested in general US news, Fox is it.

Hence, we have those ugly, smug Fox anchors unctuously faking objectivity in Democratic coverage.

Beggars can't be choosers. So I watch avidly deep into the Australian night.
It is stressful.

But at least there are signs that not all of the USA is brainwashed by Fox.
The people are recognising that Hillary has the goods that the country really needs.


Anonymous said...

Well she did win, it was ugly but I guess the Clintons win at whatever cost.

They played the Muslim card, the race card, the patriot card and the fear card.

Obama just needs to keep reminding people that 20 years of Bush and Clinton is enough.

Hope all is well ,


Anonymous said...

Hey it's the artist formerly known as huey!, Yes once again.
Well people said Obama was done, then they said Hilary was done and they said Mccain was too old and too gungho with his comments about 100 years.
So Obama became Lazarus, Hilary turned water into wine, and Mccain evidently is the republicans own little job!.
It is after a night of watching equally fake anchors, make equally uninformed statements about who will win ,still anyones game.
The way things are happening in these primaries it is starting to look like the seventh sign of revelations, The south is voting black, conservatives are supporting a women and little Johnny just waited at the stage door long enough ti'll every other player screwed up their lines enough so he was the only choice!.so America faces either their first black president ,their first female president, or another in a long line of AARP members who'se idea of fashion starts with depends under garments, and their idea of foreign relations is getting a grip on their own early onset alzheimers!!!.
God save America and all who sail in her.