Thursday, August 9, 2007

Making a blonde joke of politics

Now it is the Romney Girls - ditsy blonde triplets who seem to have been employed to be the YouTube campaign answer to the Obama girl. They are so vapid that they make Obama girl look like Einstein.

Why do they like Romney?
"He's so handsome!"
Would they vote for him?
Giggle. "Why not!"

The lowest common denominator scrapes the bottom of the barrel. The Britney/Paris syndrome of mindless, underdressed publicity-hungry bimbos creeps insidiously into politics - mocking the crucial issues behind the political process, not to mention the concept of the educated vote. I get the feeling that fundamentalist Christians and moronic sex kittens now are holding political hands. That, at least, amuses me, albeit in a sour way.

Campaigns are moving steadily onto YouTube and MySpace - desperately seeking a popularist image. The illusion lies in the demographic they find - lots of young people who can't vote at all and certainly are not going to listen to serious policy when they can have titillating footage of scantily-dressed airheads.

Ironically, the dividend comes from the old media mainstream - the television news and the print media - wherein newsrooms now monitor the Internet as a source of prime time news thus efficiently on-feeding the online ga-ga gimmickry to the conventional news consumer.

One can only hope that the news consumer sees this cheapening sexy nonsense for what it is.

1 comment:

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Popularist imagery? I just thought of Kevin Rudd ... 'Campaigns are moving steadily onto YouTube and MySpace' ... they sure are. The newby Kevin 07 site has direct links to 'my space', 'facebook' and 'you tube' on the home page. As for consumers they're just that, CONSUMERS!