Thursday, April 26, 2007

McCain and his idiot sheet

It was pouring rain. They had given a "rain venue" address in case of such predicted weather but, as we drove past Veterans' Park in Manchester, there was the set-up for McCain's first stump speech as a presidential candidate, a sea of umbrellas and soggily loyal supporters. Why give a rain address and not use it?
Well, it became clear once McCain was up and talking - staring intently in front of him and rarely making eye contact with his dripping audience. There, hooded against the rain, was a giant teleprompter rolling large text! The man was READING his speech. A presidential candidate who did not know his own words! Is this the makings of the Leader of the Free World?

The nickname for teleprompters in Australia is "the idiot sheet". Need I say more?

Well, yes, of course I must.

Clearly, the logistics of moving the chunky great heap of technology which put words in McCain's mouth was the reason they decided to keep the event in the park. Moving it would throw out the whole schedule. As it was, McCain in his "Straight Talking" bus was late and we all stood about shivering and listening to Country music for over half an hour. "Straight talking" was what we got - a man talking straight to a teleprompt.

I didn't attempt to take notes in the rain, so I did not record the content of the speech. Since it is all written as a script, I am sure it is online and I am sure all the reporters were given nice, neat copies. Indeed, the only spontaneity of this political event was when McCain was forced to respond to the interjectors, calling and chanting for an end to the War on Iraq. He was not quick. First he absurdly thanked them, then he said this reflected American freedom of speech and, finally, he clued up enough to echo the New Hampshire motto: "Live Free Or Die".

There were lots of protesters dotted about outside the roped area of this event - brave and wet and passionate people. Predominant were the Ron Paul people waving placards asking "Who's the real maverick?" McCain likes to call himself the Republican maverick but, in fact, his track record is deeply conservative. Ron Paul of Texas, however, turns out to be the real Republican rebel, a congressman who voted against the Iraq War, against the Patriot Act and against regulating the Internet. I'd never heard of him. He turns out to be an obsetrician, of all things.

Amid the steely veterans in leather jackets and "Chosen Few" caps, there also were peacenicks holding anti-war placards and one couple with a long banner mocking McCain's appalling gaffe of singing "Bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-Iran".


Anonymous said...

McCain looks more like a wannabe Pope/preacher with that collar.. than a polly?

Anonymous said...

McCain was a maverick when he was compared side by side with Bush,now he is sadly out of touch.

Of the Republicans Rudy now has the fresh look , the potential that people saw in McCain 7 years ago.

Romney has flip-flopped more than Kerry did in 2004.

I don't think characterizing Rudy as a rightist while not using the leftist tag for barack and clinton is , how should I say, fair and balanced of you. ; )

Samela said...

I take your point, Anonymous.
It is all a matter of degree, eh?
I had seen Rudy as a moderate conservative until I saw him, so to speak. Then he turned right.
On the left, I see Hillary and Obama as moderates while Kucinich, who has yet to pop up in NH, would fit my definition of leftist.
Perhaps, when all are seen and heard, I'll attempt a graph.