Sunday, April 22, 2007

Candidates digging their own graves

Candidates are shooting themselves in the foot all over the place.

Republican John McCain is being media-excoriated for being so absurdly gauche as to mock the delicate issue of relations with Iran by singing "bomb-bomb-Iran" to the tune of "Barbara Ann". It was his idea of a joke and when criticised by reporters, he told them to "get a life", a very unpleasant and patronising put-down which simply exacerbated the friction. He justified his "humour" by saying he was speaking to veterans and they were friends. Oh dear. Still not funny.

Meanwhile, Democrat John Edwards has done the most bizarre thing. He has committed $400 of campaign funds to hairdressing. The country is simply incredulous. How the hell do you spend $400 on a haircut? Even a cut, five colours in foils, straightening, deep conditioning and drying don't come to $400. But, of course, he had his hair done in Beverley Hills where, clearly, clip joints are really clip joints.

Edwards has already been depicted performing extended hair preening on YouTube. Who knew he had a hair "thing"? Well, we all know now.

I am sure that, if I had donated to his campaign, I would not be happy to discover that I had just paid for an overpriced hair cut.
What else is the fund paying for?

John Edwards is a squillionaire lawyer who lives in some massive mansion with not only pool and tennis court etc, but two stages! Two stages? John Edwards is a lovely man and a very fine candidate. I heard him and, indeed, met him and photographed him, at the last Primary here in NH and was quite charmed by him. I'm looking forward to hearing him again.
And I'm looking forward to hearing him explain this extravagant indescretion. Frankly, anyone, let alone a very wealthy one, should pay for their haircuts from their own purse.
Somehow, policies about helping the poor and the American underclasses lose their sincerity when coming from a man with a $400 haircut. That sort of money is a month of groceries to many people - many of the people to whom he is trying to appeal for support as a presidential candidate.

One thing is certain, the New Hampshire voters will give him a run for his money when he shows up here. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Great piece.

While I definitely agree with you that Edwards' haircut should have come from his own fortune, the $400 doesn't seem that bad when you consider he had a renowned stylist (whose normal haircut costs more than $100) come to him rather than wait around at the salon. Still, it kills his everyman image as quickly as realizing how large his mansion is.

And Bill Clinton paid a stylist some exorbitant amount to come out to Air Force One and cut his hair when he was in office. Edwards isn't the first offender. :-)