Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Seals the Hillary vote for Obama

Comparisons between Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton are not just odious, they are downright dumb.
The only common factor between those two is gender.

Palin is one of those right wing wackos who is all for killing - huntin', shootin', fishin' and killin' things - but believes that termination of unwanted or mutation pregnancies is murder.
She is all for children being taught creationism and, predictably, is against same sex marriage.
If she has a gift, it would seem to be her massive ego. Before she discovered the joys of running for office, she was competing in beauty quests.

This is a vain and shallow Republican poster girl.

The Fox Republicans are creaming themselves.

Whatever they say, however, there is no comparison with Hillary - the intellect, the erudition, the political savvy, the compassion etc etc - and I am sure that she will make zip, zilch and nil impression on the potential vote of Hillary supporters of any kind.
The very idea is madness.

In fact, if anything, she will cement them into support for Obama.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary - thoroughbred to the end

Hillary's speech to the Democratic Convention in Denver was so absolutely champion that I felt tearful and heavy-hearted.
There she was, giving a solid, sane, constructive, forward-thinking, genuine policy speech in the midst of all that Obama ephemera. Obama is a sophist. Hillary is a politician and presidential material.
If ever it was glaringly evident, it was as she gave that speech. Strong, brilliant woman.
I knew from the outset, I could feel in my waters, that she was the right one.
That feeling simply won't go away.

The way the cards have fallen, I just have to let go, as does and did Hillary Clinton.

But not before showing the world stage what a classy candidate she was.

Onwards, Obama.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sidin' with Biden

Now, I know Biden has been around for decades and is a respectable Democratic senator from, uh, that corporate tax haven state of Delaware. I was keen to hear him speak when I was in New Hampshire, but his dates and whereabouts never quite worked out for me. He was on a slimmer campaign budget than some and did not tour as extensively. Not like Clinton or Obama.

So, not hearing him in the flesh, I could only join his newslist and keep an eye on him. He did not fire me up. Not like Bill Richardson.

But he seemed civilized, seasoned, intelligent enough... There is a long tradition of good Catholic men in liberal politics. I have time for them.

The main thing that impressed me about Biden and impresses me now is the silver hair and Hollywood features - he looks like someone who has come direct from Central Casting.

Perchance this makes him just right for the role.
White man for the white vote. Restrained and conventional for the middle-of-the-roaders. Photogentic for the media.
He is a fine piece of political window dressing.