Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Michelle Obama means change all right

Michelle Obama is showing her colours. If the American public sat up and took notice rather than gushed at the idea that "change" is a political policy, they might restrain their enthusiasm for the Obama push - and perhaps save the day and turn towards Hillary Clinton.
Michelle Obama has announced that having her husband running for president has provided the first thing IN HER LIFE to make her proud of her country!
All these years she has felt no pride in her homeland?
Apparently not.
Reading biographical material about here reveals that she has operated for most of her career on a heavy black agenda. She appears to be an angry black woman, a black activist, a racist - and, indeed, if she is American's First Lady, there sure will be some "change".

Of course, if Obama goes on to keep winning, if he is the 2008 Democrat presidential candidate, one is going to see another swing in the voting. It is just what the Republicans want. The American public, given the option of a black president or a war hero president will go for the war hero.

And this is what I now predict.


Anonymous said...

hi this is the artist formerly known as huey!,
For the last two hundred years, urban myth has it a small group of southern billionaires ,chose presidential candidates on their breeding, their bloodline ,who their mother was what regiment their father served in and speaking of serving were they the right kind of puppet to be in a position where once elected, they didn't speak while big business was drinking a glass of water?. now we have a woman only the first lady you say! but we all know of many presidents whom without the cerebal matter of their spouse would never have finished the race, and yet this one is a racist you say, a black woman with a agenda you say, and as i live here in the US and get my daily injection of what passes for political change, I tend to agree. so will someone tell me the difference between a good ol boy from baton rouge saying no to a colored candidate, and a good ol girl saying no to a white?. Will the last person to jump from the frying pan to the fire please turn off the gas. cheers from the apple worm and all

Samela said...

Good point, huey.
I think the difference may be rage.

Anonymous said...

Hi Adelaide

It's once again the artist formerly known as huey! After sending Samela my thoughts yesterday I watched the 11am show "The View" on ABC New York a little show run by the iconic barbara walters. They talk every morning in their hot topics segment about the previous 24 hours events. They were all over Michelle Obama, dare I say like white on rice!

The ladies of The View were of the opinon that the world was being harsh on the afore mentioned Mrs Obama "after all shouldn't we let them in the white house and settle in before we judge them?" Hmm let a suspected racist get the highest job in the land, the most powerfull job in the world before we decide if they are racist? That my dear adlaidians is a bit like trusting a paedophile with a kindy class just to give them benefit of the doubt! Are we not playing with words simply because of a skin color issue? If the accused were white perhaps a suspected white supremacist would we not er on the side of caution? Is not racism haenous no matter which way it is directed?

God knows people of color in every country around the world have been treated disgustingly since adam bit the apple and finally in dribs and drabs around the world some sembelance of equality is at least being seen to be accepted. So if on the strength of the cries "look what you done to us" it's our turn for payback. We let any kind of bigot into power anywhere are we not setting the cause of justice back irrepairably even shamefully.
In 1933 we had a similar situation in Germany the newly elected party was being accused of anti- semitism and we as a world community cried out "what that little man with that funny moustache what damage could he possibly do." We play at debating the candidates mainly for neilsen ratings. If history has taught us anything please before we let anyone sign a lease on 1600 pennsylvania avenue shouldn't we check with a few previous landlords? well i have to go earn my rent, so ooroo from the big apple

Anonymous said...


Hope all is well.

The more you characterize Michelle Obama the more she sounds like a former first lady who was labeled a radical feminist, an aggressive woman, a woman with an agenda, a career first woman...

happy trails,
