Saturday, January 26, 2008

The racism card

Credulity is taken for a long walk and refused water.
What warped interpretations are being aired by the mainstream media on the issue of Obama vs Clinton vs race?

How can they manipulate it so that, suddenly, Clinton is waving a race card?
It is not Clinton but Obama who has been using the most racially-conscious and racially-motivated identity in the world - by which, of course, I mean Oprah.

Obama has taken Oprah out on the campaign - Oprah, the massive marketing machine. Oprah, "the colour purple" of contemporary black pride. She endorses, people buy.

Obama has written two books about race - lest the entirety of the US forgets. Well, it has forgotten, obviously.

But, when it comes to the race card, the white guilt, the endless light-stepping fear of political incorrectness, turns it back on itself. Whites are guilty of racism for being white.

Why does Obama not just fess up - campaign honestly for the black vote?


Anonymous said...

I think you are not seeing the Clintons for who they really are.
They want it at whatever cost.
Clinton, a disgraced , impeached ex president wants back in power sooo bad. He can taste it and he doesn't care how they win.

He is using southern code words that the racist southerners use. We all know that Clinton isn't a racist. Liberals are racist.

Clinton says that barack is too young and inexperienced. Barack is older than Clinton was when he ran.
Clinton was governor of a state that ranked at the bottom 5 of almost every importany quality of life category. That dog don't hunt!

Clinton has all the morals of a peep show pervert and yet he loves to point his finger and lecture all who don't agree with him.

We do not need 28 years of Bush and Clinton. We need new leaders.

Hillary is not the story , it's all Bill, all the time.

happy trails,


Anonymous said...

Welll....the Clintons have always played the race card themselves. They referred to Bill as the "first black president". As if! And lets not forget that Hilary is playing the gender card. So whats the difference, Samela?

Cheers, Garry.