Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hillary ain't no actor

Celine Dion's You and I was not my choice as Hillary's campaign song. It's a bit, well, Celine Dion, albeit that the sentiment is good. Now I am wondering if one would define that strident voice as "soprano", thus giving a double entendre to zany little home video with Bill and Hillary doing a Sopranos final episode spoof. What a stroke of genius that little video. It shows that Hillary is ready to have a bit of fun. More importantly, it shows that she is a lousy actor - which is a good thing in a politician.
Let's hope she gets and keeps the day job.

With the campaign trail still in quiet mode, I am engrossed in Carl Bernstein's A Woman in Charge which I am finding to be a fastidious, well-written and illuminating biography - so far. Certainly I am learning a lot about what influences have formed the Hillary Clinton character - a "mind conservative and a heart liberal".
I was intrigued about her young experiences as a Republican and now see that she moved steadily so far to the left of the GOP that she clear fell out the side.
I also feel much clearer about her religion now I know of her Methodist upbringing. She is no holy roller, just a straight-laced and self-disciplined Metho.
Her "ambitiousness" is constantly flagged in the media as such a wicked, evil, unfeminine quality like some form of rampant hubris. In the book it emerges as a steady wish to play a role in social reform, equality and fairplay. She believes she can do it!
But I have more to read...

Meanwhile, while the New Hampshire political action is in the doldrums, the e-campaigning is going strong. Every day I get hammered by emails from the candidates, each and every one of them asking for campaign donations.
I am finding the begging mail very tiresome. I wish they would stop asking me and let me decided if, where and when I would like to contribute.
This fundraising preoccupation, I think, is highly alienating and the campaigns should cool it and, at least once in a while, impart some information which does not come with a money ask.


Andree said...

Hi again

Ever since Maya Angelou endorsed Hillary, my mind is made up. I've admired Ms Angelou for years, in fact, she is one of my heros.

I agree: the song is not the best. Not fun.

Anonymous said...

I think they overlooked one aspect of their Sopranos spoof. It was the FINALE.