Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why Obama can't win

The polls show Obama in a significant lead.
The early voting is showing early voters are out in hordes - dominantly Democrat and Independent voters and many of them black.

I have no confidence that this will result in Obama getting what would seem to be a logical win. I have no confidence the voters will get their vote.

The GOP has been screaming voter fraud from the Dems - which is its pre-empt of voter frauds they have up their sleeve. They have done it before and they are about to do it again.
I seem to live amid people who believe that honesty and ethics will prevail and that the results of the election will relate to the figures on the opinion polls. I simply cannot be as Pollyanna. I expect the on-the-day votes to deliver a "surprise" victory to McCain.
I am so sure of this that my heart is heavy from the futility of it all.

Voters have already been reporting that they can't get the voting machines to accept their Democrat votes, that the machines keep bouncing their votes in the other direction.
The voting machines are made by GOP supporters.

The GOP is discrediting the votes being made by blacks through ACORN registrations. These will disappear. Black votes generally are doomed - again. I do admire black Americans for continuing to come and and stand up against this crap.
The special facilities being laid on to get votes from the armed forces overseas are, by contrast, a complete scam to glean what are expected to be predominately Republican votes. They can vote online.

Just watch a repeat of Florida.

Meanwhile, forget Jackie Kennedy and her extravagant clothes in the White House. If Sarah Palin requires $US150,000 of high fashion hockey mum grooming in a couple of months, god knows what four years of primping would cost.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Don't forget Ron Paul

If I had reservations about Michelle Obama, they are gone, blown away by the typhoon of Sarah Palin. Michelle Obama is an erudite woman and she would appear to do a good job of blending motherhood with politics. Not that she is running for anything. But she has been the subject of my criticism - as has Barack Obama.

I was underwhelmed by him when I sat in a Nashua, NH, room with him and listened to his platform. I could not find a "there" there.

That was over a year ago. Barack Obama has grown substantially while on the campaign trail. He also has aged - unlike McCain whose brow seems to have a weird Botoxy smoothness. But Obama has grown quite statesmanlike. He has kept his cool against the endless onslaughts of Fox and the GOP. He has stood tall. And he now has delivered substance to his platform. I am a hard sell, but I am won.

I've been avidly watching the evolving emotions on the campaign trails of the US and the desperate ploys of the Right to pre-empt voter fraud by going on and on about voter fraud. Bright red herrings are being dragged all over the media.

There is another man still standing.
I note that Fox, while taking Huckabee onto staff as a personality and political commentator, has not mentioned Ron Paul - despite the fact that it is scratching for substance in its endless campaign against the wicked left and, hence, filling its airtime with talking heads talking to talking heads.

Ron Paul is still on the ballot in some places.

Wouldn't it be funny if the voters got to the the polls and discovered this surprise libertarian third option - and went for it?
As his supporters told me the first time I heard of him back in Manchester, NH when they were asserting a strong presence at a John McCain rally, Ron Paul is "the real maverick".
And now he has a running mate. Michael Peroutka
He seems to have a nice face - and he thinks the Iraq war is "ungodly".

They are no real threat - but they could provide a voting wedge to offset that monster saboteur of the Democrats, Ralph Nader.

And that is no bad thing! Onya, Ron!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Palin is an experience

I'm not sure if it is better when the Republicans keep Sarah Palin out of the public spotlight for fear of having her embarrass them yet further with her ignorance or when they release her into it with mouthfuls of memorised gibberish.
She is obviously a quick swat - and seemed pretty adept with her cue cards. She had learned Ahmadinejad's name and said it over and over and over just to show us.
And she sure out-winked her hapless opponent, doggone it.

Reading and watching the fallout, I was surprised at how few commentators were prepared to give her the benefit of the low expectations. Only Fox, really. And Fox has made itself a farcical institution of flared nostril right wing excitement. Truly, it gets embarrassing watching the raw arousal of the anchors and commentators as they get on their Republican high horses. Move over Equus!

Elsewhere, however, there are responses of high anxiety at the cynical placement of Palin in this pivotal position. This good looking "down home" mom taps right into the comfort zone of the lowbrows. She ain't gonna answer nasty old questions from debate moderators. She's gonna talk right to the American people in her own special way.

I loved the way Fox defended her lack of experience by saying that she had had experiences. Sure. She has had experiences - shooting things, giving birth, entering beauty quests...

What a mockery this all makes of the very serious, nay dire, state of the world.
One can only be profoundly disappointed that America, once a loved and respected superpower, is taking its common denominators so very dangerously low.

Worth reading is Michelle Goldberg of the Guardian. The photo illustration - the Palin wink - is really telling.